The Wisdom Keepers Oracle Deck

October 8 - December 13

(5 Thursdays & 5 Sundays)

Join us on a 2 + month journey with Rosy Aronson! This LIVE, interactive course will be inspired by and based on

The Wisdom Keepers Oracle Deck!

All course participants will be working with their own Wisdom Keepers, so they need a copy of The Wisdom Keepers Oracle Deck.

You can purchase your deck here!

For Compassionate Activists, Artists & Humans Who Are Ready to Be the Wisdom Keepers They've Been Looking For!

Below, Rosy shares about the course and her deeper intention behind it.

(This video clip was taken from a longer conversation with the lovely Pam DeLeo!)

You'll love this course if...

You want to learn how to take a stand for what and who you care about during these challenging times, while keeping your heart open to people who think or feel differently from you.

You want to commit to honoring and expressing your own truth, while embracing a spirit of loving-kindness and diplomacy.

You want to engage in compassionate action, while practicing self-care and trusting deeply in life.

You want an intimate, meaningful and empowering relationship with the Wisdom Keepers.

And most of all, you want to BE the Wisdom Keeper you're looking for!

Our Journey Around the Wisdom Wheel of Integrity will include:

  • 6 LIVE Teaching Webinars with Rosy

During these sessions, we'll be consulting with the Wisdom Keepers and exploring juicy, collective and Integrity-related themes (such as Loving-Kindness, Healthy Self-Respect, Courageous Self-Trust and Reverent Surrender).

There will be time for Questions & Answers at the end of each session.

  • 4 LIVE Gatherings with Rosy

Rosy loves to create a safe, permission-giving and down-to-earth space for deep personal (and interpersonal) exploration. During these gatherings, you'll have the opportunity to participate in experiential exercises, share your arising insights with others, and be part of a rich community of Wisdom Seekers and Keepers. These sessions will provide all of us with inspiration, friendship, support, synergy and more!

  • The opportunity to create your very own Wisdom Wheel (Council) of Wisdom Keeper Allies

While we will be exploring collective themes together, you will also be uncovering your relationship to Integrity as a unique individual. At the end of this course, you will have called in your very own council of Wisdom Keepers, available and devoted to supporting you during the challenging and transformative times to come.

  • Unlimited access to all Teachings and Exercises

Wisdom Keeper Art!
(Art Prints, Pillows & Blankets)

Invite the Wisdom Keepers into your home!


Learn More About The Wisdom Keepers Oracle Deck

Come celebrate the Soul of the World--a miraculous multiplicity of ONE!


Explore Rosy's Other Books & Projects

Rosy has created rich, fun and transformative offerings over the years including BooksCoursesArtFilm, various Global Outreach projects, as well as the globally-loved Wisdom Keepers. The Wisdom Keepers grace a beautiful Oracle Deck and Inner Guidebook (deeply inspired by the Gene Keys), a coloring book, gifts, tools, many online courses-to-come, and more. 

Your Host

Rosy Aronson, PhD is an inspirational artist, author, teacher, blossoming guide and ordained spiritual counselor with a Masters in Expressive Arts Therapy, a Doctorate in Intuitive Listening & the Creative Arts, a Gene Keys Ambassador, and many years experience and training in The Gene Keys and Human Design. Her deepest intention is to provide empowering tools for people to awaken their Inner Wisdom Keeper, walk in integrity and bloom into their authentic selves. 

Rosy has created transformative offerings, including Books, Courses, Art, Film, Global Outreach projects, and the globally-loved and Gene Keys-inspired Wisdom Keepers. She is currently co-creating the Dream Arc, an exciting new part of The Gene Keys transmission, as a partner with Richard Rudd. She lives in a co-housing community in Santa Fe, New Mexico with her daughter and Danish husband.

(Rosy is an ordained minister of Designed to Blossom of AIWP and provide something more akin to spiritual counseling than psychotherapy. This course is designed for highly functional people, for whom ‘spirit’ plays a central role in their life. Rosy does not give diagnoses, work with pathology, or claim to be an expert offering a treatment or cure.)

Registration & Dates


We use UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) 

to accommodate our beloved participants from all around the world.


Here's a UTC calculator!


(Click the UTC Times above to work out your local time!)

The Ground We'll Be Covering

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Getting Started
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 1: Initiation
Available in days
days after you enroll
  MODULE 2: Loving-Kindness
Available in days
days after you enroll
  MODULE 3: Healthy Self-Respect
Available in days
days after you enroll
  MODULE 4: Courageous Self-Trust
Available in days
days after you enroll
  MODULE 5: Reverent Surrender
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Bringing Our Time to a Close
Available in days
days after you enroll